This post marks the start of a brand new series here on my blog: “a month in review”. Every single month I try tonnes of new fitness classes, beauty products and foodie treats. I often feel like I don’t have an outlet on which I share them all, so this is where I shall do so. These posts aren’t necessarily going to be 100% positive. I will be sharing honest feedback and reviews; the good, the bad and the ugly. Let’s hop right into it then.
UN1T Fulham
The best fitness class in town. Yes, even better than F45! Think challenging workouts in a team training environment, where you bounce off the energy of others around you. I finish every single session feeling absolutely buzzing. My favourite class so far is Fridays which is Regiment. Give it a go and prepare to sweat.
Daylesford Farm Cashew Butter
One work: crack.
Sushi Making
I bought my boyfriend a sushi making class at Atyukos kitchen for christmas. We went along this month and absolutely loved it. We did 3 hours of rolling, steaming and frying; finishing up with some incredible homemade rolls. We loved the intimate group environment, the knowledge of Atyuko and the quality of the ingredients she used. We are looking to book into another one of her classes soon.
Friends Of Ours
I have brunched hard this month. From all the spots I tried, and there were many, this was my favourite. I was literally obsessed with their beetroot fritters layered up with mashed avocado and topped with a poached egg. It was what dreams are made of.
See what other brunch spots I have been trying this month on my instagram.

Caudalie VineActiv Range
I visited Paris this month for the launch of the Caudalie VineActiv range, which is specifically formulated for those who have hectic livestyles and live in the city. That’s me! So I have been giving it a go. I have been using the moisturiser, serum and eye cream every night and my skin has been lapping it up. I know it’s only been three weeks but I am suitably impressed so far!
Nourishing Protein
I have been wanting to try the Welleo Nourishing Protein for so long, but it costs a bomb so I have never been able to justify. However this month I finally gave it a go. And it was worth the wait. The chocolate flavour is perfect for smoothies. I do wish it had more than 15g of protein per scoop, but it has such an amazing taste and texture that I will let it off!
If you haven’t seen my recent blog post about my trip to Norway, click here. It was honestly one of the most beautiful places I have visited. In the winter months it felt wild and adventurous, and I loved the challenging of hiking up the mountains in snowy blizzards! The whole country looked like it has been plucked out of a postcard and around every corner was a more beautiful view then the last. I have some amazing memories from my time there.

Derren Brown
I went to see his latest show at Charing Cross Theatre, with only a small audience in a cosy setting. It literally blew my mind. Every time I see him perform he baffles me. But this time it went one step further. He pulled me on stage and read my mind. Literally READ MY MIND. What is this wizardry?!
Now the not so great bits…
Lack of Routine
This month has been full of travel. Four countries in four weeks to be precise. Which is amazing, but also exhausting. It means I haven’t had time to train and eat as consistently as I would like to. However, I appreciate that is a very first world problem to have so I am not complaining. However, I am extremely excited to get into a routine once I am back from Australia!
Food Poisoning
I have never had food poisoning in my life, until this month. And holy shit. It was horrific. One piece of advice: don’t eat a dodgy looking quiche in a small french patisserie. Just don’t.
So that is my month in review. Let me know if you like these style posts!? I would love to keep on sharing them!
Zanna x
Cover photo: Jon Payne