It’s official, on the day I write this blog post we have been living in our new home Our Surrey Nest for one month. How time flies! The whole experience of moving out of a flat in London to a home in Surrey has been a huge transition and most definitely a learning curve for us. I figured I could share a few of my personal lessons and experiences from the past month with you guys, just in case anyone else is planning on making a similar move soon!

Take Your Time.
We had grand plans of moving in and having most of the house nailed by Christmas. Oh how naive we were. It turns out these things take time and we have learned to embrace the slow steady journey that is turning a house into a home. Firstly, we realised we actually want to live in the house and experience it before we make any big decisions so that we avoid making rash choices we might regret down the line. Secondly, due to Coronavirus furniture deliveries are actually taking much longer than normal, and it is extra hard to get a contractor or builder since they’re all so busy. Ultimately we have realised that a home is a never-ending project, one you can’t just tick off your to-do list, so we might as well take our time.
Big House = Big Bills.
We never realised how cheap our bills were in our 2 bedroom flat until we moved to a 5 bedroom house, damn it is pricey. And not just the heating, water and electricity – it’s the maintenance. There is no way with our full-time jobs we could keep up with all the gardening and cleaning on our own, so we have enlisted help (which we are so grateful we have the ability to do). This, plus the more expensive commute, adds up to some serious cash which we have had to structure into our budgeting.
The Fear.
The main fear I personally had when moving to Surrey was being further away from friends. None of my close pals had moved out of the city yet, so I was scared of being lonely and feeling disconnected. However, one month in and I can safely say I haven’t seen my friends any less than usual. We finally have a house which can accomodate guests so I am loving inviting them over for a cup of tea and a walk in the woods. I am so grateful for how generous they have been with their time, they’re more than willing to venture out of London to see us (and of course, we have been going into the city too). Plus, we have already connected well with our neighbours and made a couple of new friends in the local area. The fear has been well and truly dissipated!

I Don’t Miss London. At All.
I loved living in London, so I figured when I left I would feel nostalgic and yearn for the city – but guess what? I haven’t looked back, not even once. I think this transition has definitely been made easier by Coronovirus, as London isn’t its usual vibrant and bustling self. The streets are quiet, the markets are closed and its incredible atmosphere has gone – and although this breaks my heart, it has definitely made leaving the city a little less of a challenge. I have wholeheartedly embraced the slower Surrey lifestyle and now I can’t imagine going back.
Finding My Balance.
Maybe it’s the pandemic, maybe it’s Surrey, it’s probably a combination of both but I honestly have found a much better work-life balance out here in the country. In the city I would work all hours of the day, into the night and on the weekends. I was constantly nipping around London, hopping on and off tubes for meetings, appointments and obligations. I was permanently over-stretched, overworked and overwhelmed. And now? I only go into the city one day a week (max two) and the rest of the time I have solid, uninterrupted workdays at home. My productivity has gone through the roof and I am finally able to fully enjoy my weekends work-free. I can’t lie, sometimes I yearn for the faster pace of life as I thrive under pressure and I secretly like feeling busy, but I can tell my body and mind are benefiting hugely from the shift in my schedule.
We still have a long way to go, and I’m sure a lot more lessons to learn along the way. Stay up to date with our journey on the Our Surrey Nest instagram.
Zanna xx